
Sunday, October 30, 2005

Counting Curse Words?

I don't have Chuck Shepherd's "News of the Weird" as one of my daily news sources, but every once in a while I check in on him and find a real gem. The latest installment quotes the Daily Mail for the following story:
At the Weavers School in Wellingborough, England, teachers were told in August to tolerate 15- and 16-year-old students' cussing, even the "f word," at least up to five times per class. According to London's Daily Mail, the teachers were to merely keep a count of the words on the board, which the school believes shows tolerance for occasional bad language, but which more cynical teachers and parents believe will encourage the students to max out usage in each class.

I am thinking, No. I didn't tolerate that when teaching at the university level, and I certainly wouldnt' from high schoolers. Heck, I put a damper on it when I taught in the navy. If you can't curse like a sailor there, you certainly can't in my classroom. This is plain ridiculous - thus, I ridicule it.


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